OC Infusion: A Division of Oncology Convergence, Inc.

OC Infusion, a specialized division of Oncology Convergence, Inc., is dedicated to assisting infusion centers with their revenue cycle needs, including medical billing, coding, prior authorizations, and denial follow-ups.
We employ, hire, and train specialty medical billers and coders to help your infusion center solve medical revenue cycle problems that are specific to the infusion environment. We have been tackling the complex challenges of billing outpatient infusions for over 20 years, both in the setting up of infusions centers and the ongoing and changing billing landscape within them. At the end of the day, our goal is to help you retain more net profit and eliminate the stress of billing and coding.
Expertise in Infusion Billing and Coding
Our medical billing and coding specialists excel in handling complex infusion claims, from preauthorization to denials and appeals management. We have a particular expertise in specialty medical practice billing for fields with infusion elements and intricate medical billing challenges.
Specialty Medical Practice Billers and Coders
Our medical billing services are provided by a team of specialists with the highest levels of expertise in the billing environment for both hospital-based and free-standing centers. This ensures that your concerns about revenue capture, staffing, and detailed patient follow-up are effectively managed.
Reliable and Professional Medical Billers and Coders
We take pride in knowing that we can improve the financial health of your infusion center, allowing you to focus on the health of your patients. Our team understands and enjoys the infusion billing process. We are committed to your success, are ready to work within the nuances of your center’s workflow, and continually strive to enhance your bottom line by providing accurate and timely claim filings and appropriate follow-ups.
To learn more about OC Infusion’s services, contact us today at oncologyconvergence.com/contact-us